Monday, May 2, 2011

" A Christian never takes pleasure from the fact of a man's death, but sees it as an opportunity to reflect on each person's responsibility, before God and humanity, and to hope and commit oneself to seeing that no event become another occasion to disseminate hate but rather to foster peace." -From the Holy See Press Office on the death of Osama bin Laden

Blessed John Paul II forgiving his would-be assassin, Mehmet Ali Agca
December 1983

As usual, at our monthly department chair meeting I was asked to pray. I scratched this down on an index card a few minutes before the meeting:
Dear Heavenly Father,
you have blessed your Church with the ministry of your servant, Blessed John Paul, who once forgave his would-be assassin. Help us not to exult in the failings of our enemies, but to be mindful of our own sinfulness and to instead rejoice in your Divine Mercy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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